Parent Dinner Tickets:
Your 4th -8th grade student registration includes the final ball and a five-course meal / entertainment at the Balcones Country Club. Should any family members of our 4th- 8th graders wish to attend this dinner, you may purchase additional tickets and attend the dinner & entertainment portion of the evening with your student. Additional dinner tickets are $50.00 / person.
Seating for parent guests is limited so seats are assigned on a first come / first serve basis. Should you purchase a ticket and seating is no longer available, your ticket fee will be refunded in 100% in full.
Please click on the link below for the number of parent tickets you wish to purchase.
1 Ticket
2 Tickets
3 Tickets
4 Tickets
Refund Policy: As the menu is planned several weeks in advance with our venue, we are not able to provide any refunds on additional dinner tickets 14 DAYS prior to the scheduled final ball. Only purchase additional dinner tickets if you are certain that you are able to attend the dinner.